It should look similar to the picture below.Ģ) Click the 'Wizards' option from the top and select 'Quick Setup Wizard'.ģ) Select whatever you called your EVE game when you added it to Innerspace and then press the 'Next >' button.Ĥ) Enter the information about the characters that will be part of your Character Set to look similar to the picture below. So by this point you should have successfully configured ISBoxer EVE Launcher and you should be using ISBoxer 41.ġ) Launch ISBoxer 41.
Isboxer eve online with new launcher update#
If you are using ISBoxer 42, you may need to wait until I update to continue.Ĭonfiguring ISBoxer 41 to Launch EVE Using the ISBoxer EVE Launcher
If you are using ISBoxer 41, you may continue to the next page. Press the 'Go' button when you are finished.Ĩ) At this point, the ISBoxer EVE Launcher has been configured and you can now close it. This should match whatever you called EVE when you added it as a game in Innerspace. The only thing you may need to modify is the 'Game Name' field. It will highlight the entire line the account name is on.Ħ) Press the 'Create Game Profile' button.ħ) Complete your profile so that it looks like the picture below. This option will will encrypt your EVE account information and ask you to create a Master Password to be used to launch all of your sessions.Ħ) Left click select each account you want to add to your Character Set. Repeat this step until all of the accounts you want to use with your Character Set have been added.ĥ) Enable the 'Save Passwords (Securely)' checkbox. Press the 'Add Account' button and enter your first account information. NOTE: Users may need to expand the size of the window so they can see all of the options (I didn't realize where the "Save passwords" checkbox was until later on in the tutorial.Ĥ) For the purposes of this tutorial, you can ignore everything else in the top section of the above window.
Isboxer eve online with new launcher Patch#
The path to your EVE's SharedCache should have been auto detected, but if for some reason the patch is incorrect, fix it by clicking the Browse. This guide is just 1 way out of a couple of possibilities for you to adapt your current setup to launch your ISBoxer Character Set and login securely using the new launcher.ġ) Download the latest version (version as of the writing of this tutorial) of the ISBoxer EVE Launcher and unzip it into your /Innerspace/ directory.ģ) Launch ISBoxerEVELauncher.exe as an Administrator. On SeptemCCP started to enforce using SSO Tokens to log into the game in order to fix potential security issues.